Friday, 22 March 2019


Last Again Laura was my nickname at school. I was a daydreamer and was always last to leave the classroom as, while everyone else had already packed up and left, I was still gazing out of the window.

True to form, I have been meaning to start a blog for ages, but just never got round to it until now. So please bear with me while I catch up with myself and post a few things.

This year I will embark on a new stage of the journey I began six years ago when I first walked into a Unitarian chapel. In September I will begin training for the Ministry. I have been 'Lay Person in Charge' (Leader) at Chorlton Unitarians since August 2016.

Unitarianism is a creedless tradition with members from a wide spectrum of belief. I incline towards the earth spirit end of things. I follow the neo-pagan wheel of the year, although I am also very fond of Lent and Advent as times to deepen into my spiritual practice.

For Lent this year I am following a Unitarian Universalist practice of reflecting on a different word each day.

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