Sunday, 17 September 2023

Greening Verdancy, Rooted in the Sun: A Meditation for the Feast Day of Hildegard von Bingen

 “O leafy branch, nobly rooted in the soil,

swollen with green buds that burst into bloom as dawn light breaks.

Be glad and joyous at your rebirth,

and spare a moment for us,

trapped here in dark wood,

confined by old habits and narrow views.

Set us free!

Lift us with your outstretched arms.

Raise us up into the light.”

O Frondens Virga - listen to my favourite recording of this Hildegard piece, by Catherine Braslavsky, here 

Today is the Feast Day of St. Hildegard, 17 September being the day she died in 1179. Hildegard was born in the Rhine valley in Germany in 1098. Known as the grandmother of the Rhineland medieval mystical movement, she was an abbess, artist, composer, spiritual counsellor, healer, herbalist, poet, preacher, theologian and visionary – today we would say 'polymath.'

The term 'viriditas' was central to Hildegard's theology. Roughly translated as 'greening power', she used it to refer to the life-force that pulses through all living beings and connects us with each other, the power of plants to harness the energy of the sun, what we now know as photosynthesis, and the power of the Holy Spirit in the world, breathing life into all that lives. It is perhaps her understanding of the Green Man archetype. It is what causes plants to germinate, grow, bloom, and bear fruit. In terms of human well-being, viriditas is what allows us to flourish and thrive. Hildegard's healing work was concerned with restoring a person's 'viriditas' or vitality or vigour.

At the heart of Hildegard's holistic healing system is interconnectivity - the interconnectivity of spirit, mind and body; of human, earth, and universe. Her medicine thus integrates physical, psychological and spiritual healing. She understood that these things could not be separated, that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm: as within, so without; as above, so below. She wrote in 'Causes and Cures', “Humanity, take a good look at yourself. Inside, you've got heaven and earth, and all of creation. You're a world – everything is hidden in you.” 

Hildegard’s healing practices are supported by her belief in original blessing. Throughout her works she emphasizes the original harmony between humankind, God, and the universe. Disease or dis-ease arises when we become out of harmony with the divine and nature. To heal we must work towards bringing ourselves back into balance through our physical and spiritual choices and actions.

This brings us to another word that Hildegard uses frequently – discretio. Discretio is sometimes translated as moderation, but has greater depth of meaning. It also means discretion, discrimination, discernment, difference and distinction.

Hildegard believed that God created balance in the body and order in the cosmos. Discretio is the practice of living that balance or order in the union of human and divine, finding harmony of body, mind and soul. It involves paying attention to our inner compass, the promptings of our bodies and our deep selves, to find the right measure in all things. Hildegard wrote, “Discretio is the mother of all virtues for everything heavenly and earthly..  Live by the Golden Mean.”

My invitation to you today, as we approach the Equinox and the moment of balance, is to practice discernment and ask yourself, how can I attend to my own greening life energy – what makes me flourish? What nourishes me? What depletes me?

To start to tune into that sense of greenness, vitality and flourishing, listen one of Hildegard's songs to the Virgin Mary, in which she describes Mary's pregnancy with Jesus in terms of flourishing plant life: Beautiful modern recording of O Viridissima Virga by Garmarna here.

“You glowing, most green, verdant sprout, in the movement of the spirit,

in the midst of wise and holy seekers, you bud forth into light.

Your time to blossom had come.

Balsam scented, in you the beautiful flower blossomed.

It is the beautiful flower that lends its scent to those herbs,

all that had shrivelled and wilted.

It brings them to lush greenness once more.

The heavens gift the grass with the moist dew.

The entire earth rejoices.

From your womb the seed sprouted forth.

The birds of the air nest in this tree.

Blessed is the fruit of your womb!

Your womb's fruitfulness is food for humankind.

Great is the joy at this delicious banquet!

In you, mild virgin, is the fullness of all joy.”

Bring your awareness to your breathing, not trying to change anything, just noticing the sensations of the air entering and leaving your body, perhaps focusing on the diaphragm or the tip of the nose, or wherever you feel the breath most strongly. Take a few breaths to connect with your own unique rhythm...

Notice if there are any feelings or emotions present in your body today. Just notice what you feel and be with whatever comes up for you, without trying to change it, just offering yourself unconditional love and compassion.

Then bring your awareness to your heart centre, that place of unconditional love and intuitive deep knowing. Feel the gentle rhythm of your heartbeat. Allow yourself to feel love and gratitude towards your self and your body, in this moment...

From this perspective of self-love and gratitude, spend some time reflecting on your life during the last week, month or year. Ask yourself: 

When have I experienced the lush greening life-force flowing through my body and soul? When have I experienced a sense of vitality, creative energy, nourishment and nurture?

When did I experience a sense of dryness in my body and soul? When have I experienced a sense of feeling overwhelmed or depleted or exhausted?

When you are ready, return your awareness to your breath, feeling your abdomen rise and fall, and the air entering and leaving your nostrils. Begin to imagine a floating feather of awareness drifting slowly and gently around your body, from feet to head or from head to feet, whatever seems most natural to you. Notice if there are some places where the feather comes to rest and tune in to any messages that may be there for you...

When you are ready, begin to bring your awareness back to your heart centre and your breath. Take your time bringing your awareness back to your surroundings in the here and now, and listen to another piece of music written by Hildegard:

Sublime recording of O Noblissima Viriditas by Sequentia here.

Please receive the words of this piece, translated into English, as a blessing:

“O noblest green viridity,

You are rooted in the sun

And in the clear, bright, calm

You shine within a wheel

No earthly excellence can comprehend:

You are enfolded by the embraces

of ministries divine.

You blush like the dawn

And burn like a flame of the sun.”

Amen and Blessed Be

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