Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Solstice meditation on stillness, darkness and light

A solstice meditation

This is the time when the sun appears to be standing still. Sitting comfortably, bring your attention to your breathing. As you relax, drop into the stillness of your body, the stillness of the earth. 

You may like to imagine yourself sitting beside a calm, clear lake, where the air is still and the water reflects the sky like a mirror. Rest in the peace of the eternal now...

Let your attention now rest in the sleeping earth, renewing herself in her winter rest as we renew ourselves each night through sleep, when darkness falls. Let darkness wrap around you like a blanket. 

Imagine all the hibernating animals, sleeping soundly, snug in their burrows and dens. Sense the sleeping tree roots and feel your own roots, deep and resting in the quiet earth.

Sense the bulbs and seeds waiting for the wheel of the year to turn in the deep, dark soil. What seeds are you nourishing in the fertile winter dark?

Slowly let your attention begin to rise back into your own body, up into your heart space.  Feel the calm, steady rhythm of your heartbeat. 

Sense the light within you, the fire that is always there, warm and shining like the sun, soon to be reborn. Where do you feel the light glowing most strongly within you? What colour is it? Rest in the warm glow of your inner light...

When you are ready, slowly bring your attention back to your surroundings.  

A solstice blessing 

In the darkness of midwinter, may we be granted the vision to share in the work of Mother Earth and dream the future into being, as the womb of night gives birth to life and light.

May we share in the renewal of all life, growing in compassion and wisdom, and nurturing the inner light of love

Blessed be 💛

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