Sunday 3 January 2021

Winding down the old year, winding up the new year - a meditation

Settle yourself into your space as comfortably as you can. Bring your attention to your breathing, not trying to change anything, just noticing the sensations of the air entering and leaving your body. 

Imagine that you are sitting in the centre of a stone circle. Take a moment to connect with the elements – the earth beneath you, the air around you, the sunlight and the moisture in the air and the earth.

Now rise and walk to the Northern edge of the circle. Feel the earth beneath your feet, anchoring you in place. You may like to imagine yourself as a tree, with roots reaching deep into the earth. 

Over the last year, what kept you grounded?

How did you experience shelter?

Who were your rocks?

When did you experience peace, silence, stillness?

Turning left, walk around the circle to the Western edge. Ahead of you is the sea, waves lapping gently on a short sandy beach. Feel the sea spray on your face and taste the sea air.

Over the last year, how have you adapted to changes? 

What has ebbed and flowed in your life? 

How have you drawn deep from the well waters of wisdom?

What were your emotional highs and lows, experiences of friendship and loneliness?

When did you experience love, compassion, forgiveness?

Turning left, walk around the circle to the Southern edge. The sun is shining brightly. Feel its warmth on your face.

Over the last year, what has energised and motivated you? 

How have you cultivated your passions?

How have you experienced creativity?

How have you shone your light?

When did you experience joy and feel truly alive?

Turning left, walk around the circle to the Eastern edge. Feel a gentle breeze caressing your face.

Over the last year, what have you learned?

What insights and awakenings have you experienced?

How has your perception shifted?

When did you experience hope and faith?

Come back into the centre of the circle. Sitting on the earth, take a moment to feel the experiences of this year integrate into your body and soul.

Consider what you would like to leave behind in the old year. What has run its course? What is no longer helpful to you?

Place your hands on the earth and let the energy of these things pass back into the earth, to be composted and absorbed back into the soil. 

When you are ready, rise and walk back to the East. Breathe and feel the gentle breeze on your face.

Consider what your intentions are for this year.

What are you curious about?

What new things would you like to learn about?

Turning right, walk around the circle to the South. Breathe and feel the warm sunshine on your face.

Consider what you will put your energy into this year.

How will you nourish your creativity?

What passions are calling you to explore?

Turning right, walk around the circle to the West. Breathe in the sea air and feel its cool moisture on your face.

Consider where the flow of your life is calling you.

What are your hopes and dreams?

How will you nurture love and deep connection?

Turning right, walk around the circle to the North. Breathe and feel the solid earth beneath your feet.

Consider what you will continue to cherish this year.

How will you nourish your roots?

Where will you find peacefulness and rest?

Return to the centre of the circle. Sitting still on the quiet earth, feel at one with the elements of life. Breathe into the stillness and silence.

When you are ready, begin slowly to bring your awareness back to your presence in your body and the physical space around you. Give thanks for our precious earth and the gift of life.


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